Need to Achieve

The need to set high standards for one’s own performance, to show dissatisfaction with average achievements.

has no fear of failure
shows effort and enthusiasm
is self-motivated to perform as well as he/she can

works overtime voluntarily, and takes work home
is critical towards his/her achievements and sees opportunities to improve constantly
does not rest before the work is done completely
revises his/her work in order to correct mistakes or add improvements
is enthusiastic and takes on a job readily

sets high standards for his/her own and other people's work
is annoyed by the sloppiness and indifference of employees and points it out to them
defines quality standards and communicates them to employees
conveys the importance of high quality level and makes sure his/her team and employees share this interest
identifies gaps in his/her knowledge and skills and makes attempts to fill them in

sees the need for improvement in the organization and makes efforts to enhance its quality
investigates the organization's level of quality and services regularly, both internally and externally
is alert to critical feedback from customers and finds ways to meet their needs
balances the choices between good quality against fast production and higher profit against poor quality
strives for general quality standards that apply to the entire organization

Need to achieve can be easily developed if the candidate has a more than average score (7,8,9) on the drives Ambition & Challenges and Energy & action.

When are you satisfied with your work? What are your standards?
What kind of work do you tend to put off? What do you find difficult in that kind of work? How do you deal with it practically?
What do you do if you notice a lack of effort in your colleagues?
Which extra tasks did you fulfill in your last position without them being part of your job description?
Describe a recent situation in which your effort at work was not up to scratch. How did it make you feel? What was going on?

Find out whether your work suits you in all respects by taking TMA Job Interest Assessment.
Discuss with your superior whether you could get a higher responsibility level in your work.
Set challenging goals for yourself.
Investigate which aspects of your work motivate you the most.
Regard a problem as a challenge.

Ensure that your candidate is engaged in work that he is enthused to do.
Encourage your candidate to take opportunities to share experiences with his colleagues both within and outside the organization and to exchange interesting ideas with them.
Ask your candidate which competencies he likes to use at work and which new tasks are of specific interest to him.
Ask for your candidate’s standards for his own work. Could these be a reason for his lowered level of motivation?


The need to set high standards for one’s own performance, to show dissatisfaction with average achievements.

  • When are you satisfied with your work? What are your standards?
  • What kind of work do you tend to put off? What do you find difficult in that kind of work? How do you deal with it practically?
  • What do you do if you notice a lack of effort in your colleagues?
  • Which extra tasks did you fulfill in your last position without them being part of your job description?
  • Describe a recent situation in which your effort at work was not up to scratch. How did it make you feel? What was going on?

  • has no fear of failure
  • shows effort and enthusiasm
  • is self-motivated to perform as well as he/she can

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